How to get a good lighting in your home?

     The lighting means a lot more complicated than the process of putting lamps or installation of spotlights. Sometimes, even best interior designers work so hard in order to create an absolute effect. First of all you should know that light also has its rules - chandeliers do not belong in apartments, strong light shouldn’t be in bedroom and in office it is contraindicated to have a low light. Based on these rules, you can make your home as you wish, emphasizing certain elements, making the room seem warmer and more welcoming or adjusting light depending on occasions and rooms destination.

  • Combine direct light with plenty of ambient light

In most cases in the rooms is usually used a single light source. This causes uneven distribution of light, as if it were concentrated in one place. It is advisable to combine the standard lighting with ambient lighting options to create a soothing atmosphere.

  • Give life to dark corners using dim lights

Shelves and cabinets can be decorated with dim lights so that they reflect the dark corners of the room.

  • Make sure artificial lighting blends with the natural one
  • Use recessed ceiling spotlights with adjustable light

Recessed or applied spots create a wide range of effects. They can be rotated, tilted or targeted.

  • Emphasize the special objects of the room, focusing the light on them

If you have a special piece of furniture or a collection of objects put them worth with a concentrated light source on them taking care that it does not affect the integrity of valuables.


     In living room it is recommended to be warm and relaxing, that you can get by placing a floor lamp near chairs or sofa or by using a lamp on a low table.


     In bedroom the light should create a romantic, intimate atmosphere. Also very important is to be placed near the bed reading lamps. Or you can opt for folding-arm lamps installed on both sides of the bed (I think it’s the best solution, because they are a “space-saving solution”, so your nightstands become available). Many ladies prefer to have a makeup table in the bedroom. But not all of them know how to use enough light for it. So remember that at makeup-table should be adjustable light and a well-lit mirror.


     In kitchen, above the working place, you can put spotlights buried above worktop. Also it is recommended to install a large plafoniera in kitchen.


     In office it is absolutely necessary cold light for better concentration. Besides the basic light it is very important to have an adjustable lamp with “hat”.


    In the bathroom it is recommended that light sources be positioned in a way not form shadows. For small bathrooms, the light from the mirror is enough to light the entire room.


   ! In terms of colors, specialists recommend gray and white for chandeliers and lamps (for reading/from office). And for decorative lamps you may use any color you want, from bright colors to the pale (it depends on the place you want to put it).


                                     Have a Nice Day!

                                                        Yours Doina :)


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