Flower vases

     Hi everyone! Today's article is about decorating your home with vases. In my opinion vases is a compulsory element of interior decoration (especially of living room). So there are a variety of such decorative elements that can add uniqueness to your home decor. Vases are available in a variety of shapes and are made of different materiele such as glass, metal, ceramics, stone, wood etc. It is impossible not to find one that fits your decor perfectly and that will help to give style and elegance to your home. Vases with flowers bring spring into your home, even if flowers are artificial. It is not necessarily to put flowers into a vase; you may put in some beautiful braches, sand with shells, some rocks (only if the vase is transparent). I have to recognize that I don't like artificial flowers...Unfortunately they don't have natural beauty :(

          "Antique vases"

     These types of vases can be decorative in itself, without necessarily need to fill them with flowers. Antique look makes them look very attractive, both alone and in combination with flowers. It is reccommended to fill this kind of vases with roses.

          Vases that can be put on the floor / Floor vases

     (This category could include Antique vases) Vases that can be put on the floor are tall and usually ceramic, suitable for flowering branches (apple, cherry). But thicker branches is reccommended to put only in colored transparent vases. Fixed shaped vases are perfect for a modern style.

          Vases that can be hung

     These vases are effective ways to create focal points in a room and make your windows stand out. Usually these vases contain floating flowers. Even you can make a hung vase (using a bulb or a jur)

          Crystal vases

     Although crystal vases are more expensive than glass vases, they are more sought. Thanks to the brilliance of crystal and complicated models, people increasingly often buy such kind of vases. The reason is that they add a special sparkle inside


          Glass vases

     Glass vases are my favorite.  I like them because transparent glass vases highlights ingenious arrangements, such as combinations of: river stones, various aquatic plants, decorative candles, flower stalks, as I wrote before.


                       Thank you my dear! See you soon!

                                                          Doina :*



  1. Interesting stuff to read. Keep it up. Enjoyed reading the article above , really explains everything in detail,the article is very interesting and effective...Pictures of
    flower vases for sale are also very attractive.......


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