
Showing posts from 2015

Inspiration Of The Day

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.” – Scott Adams

                                                       This quote is one of my favorite, because it gives me inspiration to stay creative. Scott Adams know that nothing is perfect and that means mistakes it something normal, moreover, it is something indispensable when creating something really great! Continuous improvement is about setting clear creative goals, having ways to measure progress toward those goals, refining goals and strategies based on those measurements and setting new goals over time to satisfy your needs and wisehes.      Don't be afraid to fail! Open your mind to new things, stay creative and practice continuous in order to obtain the best result. There are no doubts that design is a roadmap or a strategic approach for someone to achieve a unique expectation.

20+ DIY Concrete Projects For Home Decor

                                       “Concrete” comes from the word “Concretus” which is Latin for “compact or condensed”.      Concrete is an economical material easy to work with. Moreover, it is versatile and durable. You can use it almost everywhere, especially in decorating your home and garden. Usually, when you want to add concrete planters and garden ornamentation to you outdoor, you have to spend a lot of money and it may be difficult to transport these decorations. Therefore, it is recommended to make your own. Cement allows you to shape it however you want without much effort.      For a quick and easy garden project, grab a bag of concrete, your imagination, and follow these wonderful, inexpensive DIY projects: Stylish Flower Pot   Candle Holder ...

Inspiration Of The Day

“What is done in love is done well.” – Vincent Van Gogh


Inspiration Of The Day

“A house is much more than a mere shelter, it should lift us emotionally and spiritually.” – John Saladino

                                                                ALSO SEE: Inspiration Of The Day 10 Room colors and personality How Room Colors Can Affect Your Baby

Inspiration Of The Day

“We shape our homes and then our homes shape us.” – Winston Churchill

                                                                                 Maybe we don't observe this, but interior design is influencing our subconscious, so the choices that you make when deciding how your home will look have an effect on your emotions, thoughts, feelings, behaviors and perceptions.      A quality design is one that fits the owners needs. There are three basic design techniques – color, shapes and texture      Color is a very strong element that has an major impact on your mood. Cooler colors (blues, greens, purples) often provide an inviting, professional and relaxed feeling. In contrast, it can be used to give a very cold and unfriendly feeling as well. Warmer colors (yellows, ora...

Inspiration Of The Day

“Punches of color keep a room feeling youthful and engaging.” — Christina Murphy

                                                           Modern interior design and home decorating with bright and warm colors create happy, cheerful and optimistic atmosphere in your home. Colorful interior design stimulates the mind and generates physical activity or as said Christina Murphy "youth". Depending on your taste you can go with any color, just make sure it’s so bright that it catches attention. There are no doubts that colors make rooms appear finished.     ALSO SEE: Great color combinations for interior design 10 Room colors and personality Feng Shui - Red Color How Room Colors Can Affect Your Baby

Inspiration Of The Day

“I never met a color I didn’t like” – Dale Chihuly

                                                                   The face of Dale Chihuly ( American glass sculptor ) was severely cut by glass and he was blinded in his left eye. This made me think on how unique we are, because w e are special creatures that can distinguish colors! The human eye distinguishes over 10 million different colors. Isn't it amazing? Each of it has its charm and beauty. Don't ever be afraid to use a color you like in your interior design. You can create an instant change and add personality to a room thanks to colors.      Everybody knows that paint creates our mood. Pinches of pasional red on white walls and suddenly the feeling is hot and you feel excited and energized. Yellow give us a warm feelingand inspires optimism. Calm the mood...

Inspiration Of The Day "Design is where science and art break even" Robin Mathew

                                             When I think about these two concepts, to my mind comes such brilliant artist as Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo da Vinci. They fully understood the unique combination of art and science and how important it was to think innovatively. Renaissance is the period when science and art began to live together. That's why we shouldn't ask ourselves is design a science or an art; because design is a combination of art and science in the most inspirational and creative ways in order to keep innovation flowing.      Science helps us create a lot of beautiful things, pieces of art as well as all of the tools and things that fulfill our aesthetic needs. The best creations and innovations, though, are those that combine those functions with a form that is pleasing to the eye as well as t...

15 DIY Fall Decorations

                                                 &nbsp      Fall is coming! It's my favorite part of the year, because that morning-evening air and the smell of dry leaves make me feel so fresh, like I am reborn! I associate autumn with a new beginning... New decorative elements, new warm and soft fabric and a cup of hot chocolate :)      There are some color that should prevail in your interior to feel closer to this wonderful time of the year. These colors are gold, orange and brown.      In decoration you can use such elements as twigs, wheat, burlap fabric, wine corks some fruits like apples, grapes and of course pumpkin. Here I found some interesting DIY projects with these elements that will inspire you to refresh your home!   Burlap Pillow    ...

Inspiration Of The Day “Have no fear of perfection - you’ll never reach it.” Salvador Dali

                                                     Perfection is a concept which is far too abstract for anyone to strive for. Perfection is completely impossible to obtain, because it's a relative thing and we can't even define this word. But we should always tend to something better because we can only perceive changes (in our homes). That's why we shouldn't be afraid to try new things, new colors,new accessories etc.      It's ok to mismatch, the most important thing is to feel comfortable at home.

Inspiration Of The Day “Decorating golden rule: Live with what you love.” — Unknown

                                                           Everyone has some things that make them happy, things that remind them about beautiful moments in their lives... But why we keep them in boxes and just occasionally find these things and put them back?      As I thing, we should surround us with such kind of things that make us feel happy and warm. Don't buy home accessories just because they are considered to be in vogue. Buy something you really like, something that make you smile. Or, even better, DIY something with your family and place this object on a coffee table or on a shelf. Arrange your favorite books in a noticeable place; do the same with some photos etc.      I wish you good luck ;)     ALSO SEE: 10 Interior Design L...

Inspiration Of The Day

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” — Leonardo da Vinci


Inspiration Of The Day

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” — Steve Jobs


10 Interior Design Lessons You Can Learn From NATURE

                                             Take a moment and look around! You will observe that natural world is full of beautiful elements which make you smile and feel better. That’s why we should take a walk and bring some beauty indoors to create a feeling of harmony.      There is no doubt, when we bring nature's elements indoors we feel happier, healthier, calmer, and at the same time we feel more energy and optimism.   1.       Bring Nature Indoor Leaves, stones, twigs, acorns and other natural elements can create an amazing décor for your home. There are so many ways you can incorporate them. You can create a rock garden with stones you have collected, or you can put stones in a transparent vase with colorful flowers; pine cones and acorns with some flickering can...