
Showing posts from November, 2013

15 Unique Christmas Tree

                    Bring right now Christmas atmosphere in your home with a unique Christmas Tree design. Make by yourself one and impres your guests. There are no doubts, it will attract the eye of every guest .         Here are some creative ideas to inspire you to make your own unusual DIY Christmas tree! Please share your Christmas Tree with us ;)

Baby room

                                       Safety should be your primary concern. Therefore think about these tips all the way through the design process.   If you have a choice between several rooms in your house for the nursery , choose the one that is closest to yours so that you don't have to walk across the house in the middle of the night.   It is recommended to put the crib close to the entrance in order to avoid different incident (tripping over toys for example) when you enter in baby room in the middle of the night. But don’t put it near the window. Remember! It is very important not to let your baby to sleep with his head near the door. Psychologists say that your child must have visual contact with the door. The child should see who enter in their room, unless he would feel unsafe and uncomfortable.   The s...

How Room Colors Can Affect Your Baby

    Related post:           When it comes to choose a color for your baby’s nursery, keep in mind these things: the brighter the color the more energy your baby will have. The darker the color the more sad your baby will be. The lighter the color the less your baby’s brain will be stimulated for healthy development. You can still use vibrant, dark and light colors, just in moderation, such as accessories. Colors could affect baby’s development process, therefore choose carefully and wisely.   Red should be avoided wall to wall. You may use just pinches of this color or paint a single wall, because too much red encourages aggressive behavior and a lack of focus. Of course the psychological effects of the color red depend very much on its intensity. Bright red can make your baby feel like the walls are...

Locker decorations

       Your locker represents your personality. By getting creative and implementing some of the following ideas you can show your individual style and taste. Put inside things you love, what makes you unique and what puts you in a good mood.        There are so many locker accessories in stores. Office supply stores sell equipment specifically for lockers, but other items from around the house work well, too. Before buying useless things ask yourself “do I really need a rug or curtains in my locker?”. Even if they look cute I think this things are unusual, sometimes even bothering.        Really useful accessories you can buy are locker shelves . They give much more space in your locker. On this shelf you may put a handmade box with emergency products . For example you may put inside a hairbrush, parfume or a deodorant, hair ties, some napkins, maybe a cream, mints ...