Locker decorations

       Your locker represents your personality. By getting creative and implementing some of the following ideas you can show your individual style and taste. Put inside things you love, what makes you unique and what puts you in a good mood.

       There are so many locker accessories in stores. Office supply stores sell equipment specifically for lockers, but other items from around the house work well, too. Before buying useless things ask yourself “do I really need a rug or curtains in my locker?”. Even if they look cute I think this things are unusual, sometimes even bothering.

       Really useful accessories you can buy are locker shelves. They give much more space in your locker. On this shelf you may put a handmade box with emergency products. For example you may put inside a hairbrush, parfume or a deodorant, hair ties, some napkins, maybe a cream, mints (most of schools are really strict about gum)

       “Use wallpaper in unexpected places […] A great pattern or texture in small spaces can be a prodigious twist” (Lindsay Coral Harper). Therefore try to apply colorful wallpaper on the walls of your locker. But don’t forget not to wallpaper the ventilation of your locker, because it provides for the flow of air to aid in cleanliness. You may also hang a small calendar to the locker wall. It will help you to organize better your schedule. Just make sure everything is removable, because once the year is over you will need to take it down.

       Decorate your locker with things that have a special meaning to you and it will help you have a better attitude (pictures of your friends, your family; a crazy picture to bring you a smile right before a big test). You may apply them with magnetic frames. (I have already applied such kind of frames to refrigerator)

       Mirrors are great choices, as they are practical and they add some sparkle to your locker. You can search for those mirrors that have magnetic attachments.

       There are no doubts that a board is a must-have for any locker. You can write reminders to yourself, and your friends can write notes to you on it.

Make your own chalk board:

1. Take a photo frame with glass sheet (as in image)


2. Paint the glass sheet with chalkboard paint


3. Stick it on the inside of your door. Write on it anything you want (a reminder about a test or a motivational quote etc.)

     Don’t forget to keep your locker clean! But don't be too obsessive and don't spend all your school time on making your locker look good! That can bring up issues.

                                  Be creative and enjoy yourself!



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